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Wednesday 17 June 2009

Right, so I was bored earlier in the week and was just Stumbling around the internet like usual, when I chanced upon an article about some security workers being forced to remove an inch-by-inch Union Jack from their sleeve worn in support of our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, because their superiors said it could be construed as offensive. Thats right, offensive.

I was flabbergasted. So flabbergasted in fact that I actually used the word flabberghasted, which never happens.

This is by no means an isolated incident. During major football tournaments people bring out the cross of St George, and incidents have arised where 'perpatrators' have been asked to removed them or cover them from view. @!"%!$^!

We must be the only country in the world to find our own flag to be offensive. Though the glory days are long gone, I still feel proud to be British, but this was hard to swallow. I'm trying hard to avoid the the R-word, but I'm fairly sure that the influx of nationalistic and devout muslims immigrating from the east are the root of this travesty and loss of British identity. However, this perhaps is only a contributor and not the main cause, which I would blame on our saturatedly polictially-correct society which says all peoples beliefs should be held equal, which is fair enough, but people are so afraid of causing offense to minorites that they would rather offend the majority. This is something that we have grown immune to and is seen as standard practice; thus British identity is left by the wayside in favour of other groups. Thank God British music is still going strong.

Speaking of British music, one of the posters on the aformentioned article posted a youtube link which neatly summarised my feelings, to the tune of the Kinks' Living on a Thin Line.


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