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Sunday 19 July 2009

Jo Webb and the Dirty Hands come to Furze Platt

Right, so while I was still at school the sixth form was asked if they wanted to participate in the filming of a music video for a friend of Mr Richards' band. The theme was to be an 1980's American Prom, two things which I'm not very good at - dancing and being an 80s kid. I suited up and went down to FP and the main hall, where it had been slightly transformed into an 80s styley thing. There wasn't a massive turn up, maybe 20-25 or so, but smaller numbers meant more camera time, which is always a good thing, right?

We were split into the standard cliques for an American (or really any) High School - the 'fit ones', the jocks, the bullies and the geeks. And Chris. Chris Darby was chosen to play a younger version of the singer, Jo Webb, and the main action of the shoot revolved around him, mainly him having his trousers and underwear pulled down in front of some un-impressed girls. The rest of us got to look shocked/make the small-penis sign in the background. Good fun!

Then it was time for the band to play, with us dancing away in the foreground, so several groups of 3-4 danced in front of the camera while everyone else danced and the band played in the background. I had worked out an utterly fabulous dance routine for Peach, Jamie, Liam and I which we performed enthusiastically for a while. The best part was since we weren't supposed to be cool we could dance as awfully as we wanted, cue the old man boogie and the lawnmower.

The song, Acrobat surprised us all by actually being really good and catchy; the band and director were really friendly as well and open to any silly ideas we had. Best of all, we all got free CD's which I may review in the near future.

All in all, it turned out to be well worth my while going and I can't wait to see the finished article on youtube.

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